There are about 80 types of coffee, but the most popular are
Arabic coffee, Robusta coffee, coffee Liberica and Maragogype coffee. Magnus Incorporated offers the best coffee,
giving you a better cup of coffee everytime.
Arabic coffee,
originating in Africa (more specifically in Abyssinia) is the most cultivated type
of coffee. It is now grown mostly in Latin America, but also in Africa.
Arabic coffee is appreciated for its high-quality beans,
with their elongated shape and greenish-blueish color. Its flavor and taste are
more refined than in other species. The averaged-strength coffee is obtained
exclusively from a variety of Arabic coffee, cultivated in Central and South
America, Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Brazil is an exception, since Brazilian Arabic
varieties have a less refined flavor.
Robusta coffee, originating
in the Congo Basin, grows faster and is much resistant in climates that are not
favorable to the Arabic coffee. It is cultivated intensively in Africa, India
and Indonesia. Robusta coffee has a rather neutral taste, being less aromatic
than the Arabic type. It is more appreciated as a soluble coffee.
Coffee Liberica is
grown exclusively in the subtropical plains of Africa and South America, where
the humidity is very high and the temperature is between 20 and 25° C. The
beans are often deformed, of medium size and a brown to yellow color. The
quality of this coffee is medium.
Maragogype coffee is
obtained from a tree discovered in the vicinity of Maragogype, Brazil. It is a
hybrid resulting from crossing the Arabic and the Liberian species. These
greenish coffee beans can be of superior and medium quality.